A Community of Peace in a Culture of Outrage and Fear | Future Church E5
Podcast:John Mark Comer Teachings Published On: Fri Oct 06 2023 Description: "If there's anything left of my annoying voice in your memory banks in 20 years, I would hope that you would hear me as a brother in your ear just saying, 'follow Jesus to the quiet and pray.'"All around us, people are angry and afraid. John Mark invites us to become a community of peaceful, 'non-anxious presences' by engaging in the practice of silence and solitude. Through this practice, we learn how to receive the love of God into the deepest places of our pain and fear.Key Scripture Passage: Luke 5v12-16This podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for this episode goes to: Araceli from Portland, Oregon; Kristin from Omaha, Nebraska; Keith from Modesto, California; Brian from Durham, North Carolina; and Dan from Foley, Alabama.Thank you all so much!If you’d like to pay it forward and contribute toward future resources, you can learn more at practicingtheway.org/give.