Jesus and the Lonely Place | Silence and Solitude E1
Jesus and the Lonely Place | Silence and Solitude E1  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Jan 14 2022
Description: Do you ever feel like your life is too busy, your schedule is too jammed, and your soul is overly hurried? You aren't alone: our culture is constantly pressing us to move at unsustainable speeds. So how do we "unhurry" our souls? Is there a practice from the way of Jesus, a time-tested way of living, that would set us up to thrive right in the middle of all the chaos of modern society? In this teaching, John Mark introduces the practice of Silence and Solitude as the answer to a world filled with distractions. Through the Scriptures, John Mark shows how even Jesus incorporated this into his routine and why this practice is often considered the most essential of them all. He concludes with practical ways to implement silence and solitude while taking into consideration your stage of life and discipleship. Key Scripture Passages: Matthew 3v13-4v4; Mark 1v35-39; Mark 6v30-46; Luke 5v15-16Resources for this to Silence and Solitude by Ruth Haley BartonThe Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas WillardCelebration of Discipline by Richard Foster