Teach Us to Pray | Prayer E1
Teach Us to Pray | Prayer E1  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Feb 11 2022
Description: How should we pray? For most of us, prayer is a weak point in our apprenticeship to Jesus, and it's hard to do in the digital age. But Jesus made prayer a consistent part of His lifestyle, and it didn't seem to be a chore for Him. In this message, John Mark breaks down the practice of prayer. After defining prayer and explaining why it is so hard for many of us, John Mark explains what the Lord's Prayer teaches us about the attitude Jesus's had toward prayer and how we can press into prayer not just to meet our needs and wants, but primarily to enjoy the Father's presence. Key Scripture Passages: Luke 5v15-16; Luke 6v12; Luke 9v18, 28-34; Luke 11v1-4Resources for this practice:https://practicingthewayarchives.org/practices/prayer