How We Change: Teaching and Practice | Practicing the Way Vision Series E5
How We Change: Teaching and Practice | Practicing the Way Vision Series E5  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Dec 03 2021
Description: How do we transform our lives to be like Jesus? In this mini-series, How We Change, John Mark lays out how transformation into the image of Jesus takes place: through teaching, practice, community, and the Holy Spirit. This first teaching focuses on teaching and practice. John Mark shows that teaching is meant to counter the stories we believe about our lives. Practice, on the other hand, is to counter our habits. And together, they recalibrate the loves of our hearts towards God. Key Scripture Passages: Mark 1v14-15; Matthew 7v24-27; Romans 12v1-3; 2 Corinthians 2v16; 2 Corinthians 10v5; Colossians 3v3; Philippians 3v5 Resources for this practice: