A Haunting Way to End a Sermon | Gospel of Matthew
A Haunting Way to End a Sermon | Gospel of Matthew  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Jun 16 2023
Description: What do we do the Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount? Jesus ends his manifesto of life in the kingdom of the heavens, not with a pep talk or feel-good story, but with a warning about what happens when we don’t put his teachings into practice. John Mark argues that, in the “information” age, where things go in one ear and out the other, we need to be diligent to do what Jesus taught. Key Scripture Passage: Matthew 7v24-29Resources from this teaching:This podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for this episode goes to: Haylee from Camas, Washington; Nick from Watsontown, Pennsylvania; David from Southlake, Texas; Ben from Dannevirke, New Zealand; and Rebekah from Atascadero, California. Thank you all so much!If you’d like to pay it forward and contribute toward future resources, you can learn more at practicingtheway.org/give.