A Community of Holiness in a Culture of Moral Relativism | Future Church E4
Podcast:John Mark Comer Teachings Published On: Fri Sep 29 2023 Description: How do we love others in the moral decay of the modern West? John Mark argues that the world needs a community of holiness as the counter-culture to the mainstream. John Mark explores the concept of holiness, a theology of the body, and the practice of fasting as a path to joy in God.Key Scripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 6v12-20This podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for this episode goes to: Kayla from Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Cory from Oakland, California; Mason from Dallas, Texas; Seth from Hood River, Oregon; and Adam from Omaha, Nebraska. Thank you all so much!If you’d like to pay it forward and contribute toward future resources, you can learn more at practicingtheway.org/give.