Podcast:John Mark Comer Teachings Published On: Fri Feb 24 2023 Description: "The more we have, the more we want." John Mark examines how our never-ending desire can lead to lives of discontentment and dissatisfaction, but how the practices of desiring less and generosity can help us practice simplicity and lay hold of Jesus’s promise of life to the full.Key Scripture Passage: 1 Timothy 6v2-19Resources for this practice:https://practicingthewayarchives.org/practices/simplicityThis podcast and its episodes are paid for by The Circle, our community of monthly givers. Special thanks for today’s episode goes to: Kali from Silver Lake, Kansas; Morgan from Nashville, Tennessee; Joshua from Whitefish, Montana; Dan from Stamford, Lincolnshire; and Jerod from Fairhope, Alabama. Thank you all so much!If you’d like to pay it forward and contribute toward future resources, you can learn more at practicingtheway.org/give.