How We Change: Key Thoughts on Practice | Practicing the Way Vision Series E6
How We Change: Key Thoughts on Practice | Practicing the Way Vision Series E6  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Dec 10 2021
Description: We know practicing the way of Jesus is important, but what exactly do we practice? In this teaching, John Mark drills down on the what and the how behind the practices of Jesus, drawing on the wisdom of the spiritual disciplines. The practices of Jesus, John Mark tells us, are ways to help us live out the lifestyle of Jesus. By “training hard” we can make it easier to be forgiving, kind, patient, loving, joyful, and more. But the disciplines go beyond that as they help shape our “loves” and orient our hearts toward God. John Mark finishes by showing that the disciplines should be practiced in community, shaped by who we are, and relevant to our stage of life. Key Scripture Passages: 1 Corinthians 9v24-27; Acts 20v24; Galatians 5v7; 1 Timothy 6v12; 2 Timothy 4v6-8Resources for this practice: