Do What Jesus Did | Practicing the Way Vision Series E4
Do What Jesus Did | Practicing the Way Vision Series E4  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Nov 26 2021
Description: The end goal of our apprenticeship to Jesus is to do what He did. In this teaching, John Mark gives the historical background of discipleship and shows through the scriptures that Jesus’s intention was for His disciples to become like Him all along. By sharing some of his best practices, such as identifying your stage of discipleship, finding community, and starting with the basics, John Mark challenges us to live in the moment and become the embodiment of Jesus to the world. Key Scripture Passages: Matthew 4v18-25; Matthew 8v18-22; Matthew 9v9-13; Matthew 9v35-10v8; Matthew 28v16-20; 1 Peter 2v11-12; Luke 19v10; Luke 7v34-35; Romans 12Resources for this practice: