Generational Blessing | Dealing With Your Past E2
Generational Blessing | Dealing With Your Past E2  
Podcast: John Mark Comer Teachings
Published On: Fri Feb 04 2022
Description: Our families of origin and past experiences impact every human, both for bad and for good. In this teaching, John Mark explores the nature of blessing throughout the Bible and God's plan to bring blessing to the whole world, while showing how blessings are passed from one generation to the next. Because of the influence that we can have and our authority to bless, John Mark invites us to partner with God's plan by blessing our children, our friends, and our circumstances as a way to pass on good to the next generation. Key Scripture Passages: Genesis 12v1-3; Genesis 25v7; Genesis 26v23-25; Genesis 27v1-40; Genesis 28v10-15; Genesis 48v1-20; Genesis 2v24; Mark 10v13-16Resources for this practice: