Podcast:John Mark Comer Teachings Published On: Fri May 27 2022 Description: What does hospitality in the church have to do with architecture? John Mark explores the story of this practice in Church history: throughout the New Testament, we see followers of Jesus gathering in homes around a table and a meal. But as the church changed, so did their meeting place, which impacted the practice of eating and drinking in fellowship. John Mark encourages us to recapture this practice of breaking bread together and gives us practical ways to get started. Key Scripture Passages: John 13v1-17; Acts 2v42-47; Romans 16v3-5; Colossians 4v15; Philemon 1-2; Galatians 6v9 Resources for this practice:https://practicingthewayarchives.org/practices/eating-drinkingFrom Tablet to Table, Leonard SweetCommunity and Growth, Jean Vanier