Episode 14: Listeners’ favorite horror films; Lars on St. Anger, 72 Seasons and an era of turmoil; traveling fans and chapter heads
Podcast:The Metallica Report Published On: Wed Nov 01 2023 Description: The week of Week of November 1, 2023 on The Metallica Report… Hot on the heels of last week’s Halloween celebration with a special Hammett-horror-episode, listeners report what their favorite fright-night feature film is. We have a couple of nuggets from the recently published in-depth and wide-ranging conversation between Steffan and Lars for the band’s online magazine, So What! As the oft-debated St. Anger celebrates its 20th anniversary, Steff acknowledges that, much like that album, 72 Seasons has entered the world following a comparable stretch of unease and uncertainty. With the benefit of hindsight, Lars compares this era’s ability to accept and navigate obstacles with Metallica’s past turmoil. And with stops in St. Louis and Detroit right around the corner, Steffan and Renée catch up with a few stalwarts of the fan club. Tara Paddock and Kurt Schwarz, local chapter heads of Missouri’s Burnt Ends of Sanity and The Struggle Within Michigan, respectively, are joined by family-favorite Metallica Mom Sarah Sobeck, who has a minivan of international fans joining her and her husband, Pete, on their Metalli-travels. The three share what it’s like to live within the inclusive and supportive global community that Metallica has inspired. The Metallica Report - your official, weekly guide for all things Metallica, straight from the source. New episode every Wednesday. Lars So What! Interview: https://www.metallica.com/so-what/2023-10-24-lars-ulrich-the-72-seasons-m72-interview.html Local Chapters: https://www.metallica.com/fans/local-chapters/ Enter to win merch pack: https://pantheonpodcasts.com/metallica Wanna be featured on a future episode? Submit your questions or comments: http://metallica.com/podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices