Warhammer 40k Situation is Crazy | Interview with Cr1tikal and Luetin
Warhammer 40k Situation is Crazy | Interview with Cr1tikal and Luetin  
Podcast: Adeptus Ridiculous
Published On: Fri Dec 13 2024
Description: https://www.patreon.com/AdeptusRidiculoushttps://www.adeptusridiculous.com/https://twitter.com/AdRidiculoushttps://orchideight.com/collections/adeptus-ridiculousBricky, Dk, Shy, Luetin and Charlie MoistCr1tikal join together for a discussion where they talk about Warhammer 40k, it's growing popularity, Space Marine 2, Amazon Warhammer shows, Charlie's 40k armies and pile of shame, Warhammer lore and a many other things.Charlie: @penguinz0Luetin: @Luetin09Support the show