477: Steve Holmes - Finding Your Purpose (Ikigai), Bouncing Back From Failure, & Using Your Working Genius
477: Steve Holmes - Finding Your Purpose (Ikigai), Bouncing Back From Failure, & Using Your Working Genius  
Podcast: The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk
Published On: Sun Jun 19 2022
Description: Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of "Mindful Monday." You, along with tens of thousands of other learning leaders will receive a carefully curated email from me, each Monday morning, to help you start your week off right! Full show notes at www.LearningLeader.com Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12      https://twitter.com/RyanHawk12 Steve Holmes founded Springfree Trampoline in 2003 and has overseen its growth to almost 400 employees globally. He is responsible for strategic business development and leads growth initiatives worldwide. Springfree® Trampoline, the World's Safest Trampoline™, was introduced in 2003, and available in Australia in 2004. Dr. Keith Alexander re-designed the trampoline from the ground up to invent Springfree Trampoline, over fifteen years of research and development. Notes: “I hope that customers describe Springfree as a company which has integrity, honesty, great character, and deals with its customers in a way that values their experience with the brand and the product, and delivers on the promises they make. Living in the tension of competing priorities. This is the job of the leader. It’s happening at all times both at work and at home. We must be aware of and understand how to live in that tension. Your working genius - Jim has learned that his sense of wonder and invention is what brings him the most joy. We have to know what lights us up in order to sustain excellence over time. Responding to losing the Costco account. Steve called the Jim Sinegal and worked out how the relationship would end and then immediately planned for the future to keep his company in business. "The greatest piece of marketing is our customers." How to find your purpose: Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your 'reason for being. ' 'Iki' in Japanese means 'life,' and 'gai' describes value or worth. Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss. It's what brings you joy and inspires you to get out of bed every day. Life is about giving so that others will benefit. The C's of business Clarity Competency Confidence Choice "The pace of change is faster than the pace of learning." Sustained excellence: Humble Hungry Smart As the leader, you must create an environment where people want to learn