473: Ed Mylett - Building Confidence, Asking The Right Questions, & Maxing Out Your Life (The Power Of One More)
Podcast:The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Published On: Sun May 22 2022 Description: Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of Mindful Monday. You, along with 10's of thousands of learning leaders from all over the world will receive a carefully curated email from me each Monday Morning to help you start your week off right... Full show notes at www.LearningLeader.com Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 https://twitter.com/RyanHawk12 Ed Mylett is a globally recognized entrepreneur, coach, and speaker. He started in the financial services industry, eventually earning a spot on the Forbes 50 Wealthiest Under 50 List. Since then, he has spearheaded a range of ventures, spanning technology, real estate, health, nutrition, and more. Ed is the best-selling author of #MaxOut Your Life, and the new book The Power of One More. He has grown his online audience to more than 3 million followers in just four years. Ed also regularly inspires audiences ranging from small gatherings to mega-venues of 50,000+ attendees, and online audiences in the hundreds of thousands. Notes: Self-confidence is about keeping promises to yourself. And surrounding yourself with people who live at a higher temperature. You become what they are. You think differently, act differently, and will achieve different results based on your inner circle. "Link your confidence to your intention." Excellence = high standards. People who sustain excellence expect more from themselves. They’re prepared for big moments. Their habits, routines, and rituals enable them to perform at a high level each day. And they keep raising their standards. Isn’t that the type of person we want to be? Definition of leadership – “As I define it, you are a One More leader if you help people do things they would not otherwise accomplish without your presence.” - Ed Mylett The six basic needs that drive people: Certainty, Uncertainty and Variety, Significance, Love & Connection, Growth, and Contribution. Many people think they’ve got to make several huge changes to improve their lives and achieve their goals. This common misconception works as a barrier instead of a motivator. And as a result, people never start making changes, or quickly give up, never fulfilling their potential. The One More philosophy is built on two main premises. First, you don’t need to make dozens of big changes to achieve significant growth or change. Often, important changes take place as the result of doing one more thing. Second, the One More philosophy is about combining thinking and doing. We often do one or the other and assume that’s enough. But it’s not until you combine those two that you’ll start to see profound changes in your life. "My dad was an alcoholic when I was young. It wasn’t until my mom gave him a One More ultimatum that he got sober. For the last 35 years of his life, he devoted himself to helping others with alcohol addiction, almost until the day he died, making the most of the One More chance he’d been given. He passed away a little over a year ago, and his death was also a reminder to reach out and spend as much time as you can with the people you love because if you don’t, you’ll regret not having one last One More with that person when they’re gone." The questions you ask yourself directly reflect what you think about. When you don’t think about the right things, you’ll ask yourself questions that don’t advance the quality of your life. Better questions lead to better answers, and better answers lead to a better life. Asking tough questions can be uncomfortable but doing so eventually leads you to the best answers although they may be difficult for you to address. Facing these answers empowers you to remove roadblocks that have been holding you back from your best One More life. Goals & Standards - Many people often confuse goals and standards, thinking they’re the same thing. They are not! Although goals are important, standards determine whether you’ll reach your goals or not. The proper standards create a framework that feeds into your efforts, mindset, and what you’re willing to tolerate. You can control these parts of your life while goals are often at the mercy of external forces. The role Ed plays: Identify your own gifts and the gifts others possess. Link the work that needs to be done to those gifts. Henry Ford - People need to feel loved, and cared for, and that you believe in them. They can grow into roles. How to help powerful people? They want clarity, specificity, and laser focus. Become evangelical about your mission. The mission is what you stand for and against. What is going through Ed's mind the few minutes before he gives a keynote speech? He prays. He focuses on the audience and their needs. It's about them. They need to feel his intent. Energy - "The highest energy person wins." Sustained excellence: High standards Preparation Habits and rituals Why do all of this? Ed is motivated to have high standards to "catch the guy I was capable of being."