493: Patrick Lencioni - Becoming More Humble, Leading With Curiosity, & Understanding Your Working Genius
Podcast:The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk Published On: Sun Oct 02 2022 Description: Text Hawk to 66866 to become part of Mindful Monday. Join 10's of thousands of learning leaders from all over the world better understand how you can become a more effective leader. Text Hawk to 66866 for more... Full show notes at www.LearningLeader.com Twitter/IG: @RyanHawk12 https://twitter.com/RyanHawk12 My guest: Patrick Lencioni has written 14 books on business management, particularly in relation to team management. He is best known as the author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, a popular business fable that explores work team dynamics and offers solutions to help teams perform better. He's also written The Ideal Team Player, The Advantage, The Motive, and his latest book is called The Six Types of Working Genius. Notes: Pat loves The Pat McAfee Show because of their candor, humor, and authenticity. "Humility is a virtue. You can practice it." "Seek first to understand prior to trying to be understood." Be curious. "If we don't understand them, we judge them." The opposite of judgment is curiosity. When you're humble, there is no sense of entitlement. Good teammates? "They take ownership of their mistakes and work to correct them." Must take ownership of it to improve. The Ideal Team Player -- Humble, Hungry, Smart. The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team: Absence of trust - unwilling to be vulnerable within the group Fear of conflict - seeking artificial harmony over constructive passionate debate Lack of commitment - feigning buy-in for group decisions creates ambiguity throughout the organization Avoidance of accountability - ducking the responsibility to call peers on counterproductive behavior which sets low standards Inattention to results - focusing on personal success, status, and ego before team success The Six Types of Working Genius: Wonder – People with this genius can’t help but question whether things could be better in the world around them. They are troubled whenever they see unmet potential, and they are constantly curious and on the lookout for the need to change something. Invention – This type of genius is all about creativity. People who have it, love, to generate new ideas and solutions to problems and are even comfortable coming up with something out of nothing. Discernment – People with this type of genius have a natural ability when it comes to evaluating or assessing a given idea or situation and providing guidance. They have good instincts, gut feel, and judgment about the subtleties of making decisions that integrate logic, common sense and human needs. Galvanizing – This type of genius is about bringing energy and movement to an idea or decision. People who have it like to initiate activity by rallying people to act and inspiring them to get involved. Enablement – People with this type of genius are quick to respond to the needs of others by offering their cooperation and assistance with a project, program, or effort. They naturally provide the human assistance that is required in any endeavor, and not on their own terms. Tenacity – This type is about ensuring that a given project, program, or effort is taken to completion and achieves the desired result. People who have this genius push for required standards of excellence and live to see the impact of their work. Pat’s areas of working genius: “I am naturally good at and drawn to what we call Invention and Discernment, I like to come up with new, original ideas, even when it’s not what’s called for. And I love to use my intuition to evaluate and assess ideas and plans to see what would be best. My areas of frustration are Tenacity and Enablement, meaning I struggle to push projects through to completion after the initial excitement wears off, and I have a hard time providing assistance to others on their terms. That doesn’t mean I can’t do those things, because all of us have to do things we don’t like or aren’t good at sometimes. But if I’m in a situation where people are relying on me as their primary source of enablement and tenacity, that’s not good for me or for them in the long run.” Pat is a "discriminating ideator." My areas of working genius: Discernment and Tenacity. The assessment says: “You are good at and enjoy using your intuition and instincts to evaluate and assess ideas or plans, and pushing projects and tasks through to completion to ensure that the desired results are achieved.” "You are what we call a judicious accomplisher."