This company is helping government satellite operators improve awareness of threats in low-earth orbit
This company is helping government satellite operators improve awareness of threats in low-earth orbit  
Podcast: Federal Drive with Tom Temin
Published On: Mon Jul 15 2024
Description: An academic course endorsed by the Defense Department and delivered by accelerator company, BM&T aims to help science and engineering students develop their ideas in two companies. It's called Hacking for Defense. One resulting startup called Pharos aerospace hopes to help both defense and commercial satellite operators deal with space debris. For more, I spoke with former University of Chicago students, Victor Tyne and Brian Klein. You were students at the time you took the BM&T sponsored and DoD sponsored course in entrepreneurship. Tell us about the journey and what the course was like, and what you were trying to accomplish in taking it and where you took it. Victor, we'll start with you as chief operating officer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit