Podcast:The Pour Over Today Published On: Mon Jan 03 2022 Description: Fire and snow hit Colorado, COVID cases surge to record highs, a verdict in a high-profile trial, and other top news for Monday, January 3rd. Stay informed, while remaining focused on Christ, with The Pour Over. -- Boulder County Community Foundation Host emergency stays through Airbnb -- For many, 2021 was just re-2020. While TPO covered a lot of the same topics both years (COVID-19, coronavirus, the pandemic, and Elon Musk’s Twitter account), 2021 was still quite unique. Last year we: Sent 10 million emails …which had 4.7 million unique opens Grew from 35,000 to 115,000 subscribers Translation: We were super blessed and continue to be amazed at what God is doing to calm nerves and point people to Him through something as simple (yet often anxiety and anger-inducing) as the news. If you’ve enjoyed or appreciated TPO, support our staff and mission in 2022 by choosing to pay! Options range from $1/month to a lifetime membership. (Annual members get our just-released TPO Crewneck included.)