14. Ruby Wax: Is your workforce frazzled? The science of mindfulness and increasing productivity
14. Ruby Wax: Is your workforce frazzled? The science of mindfulness and increasing productivity  
Podcast: James Reed: all about business
Published On: Mon Feb 10 2025
Description: With over a quarter of UK workers experiencing negative wellbeing because of work, how can you improve your own mental wellbeing, and stop being frazzled for good?In this episode of 'All About Business,' I sit down with comedian, writer and mental health advocate Ruby Wax OBE. We discuss how mindfulness can transform your mental health, how businesses can support struggling colleagues and the time Trump left her stranded in Arkansas. Ruby Wax OBE is an actress, comedian, writer, television personality, and mental health campaigner. In 2017, Ruby founded the Frazzled Cafe,  a community based on the power of emotional openness that provides space where anyone can come and be listened to without judgment. Ruby has also released a range of best-selling books, including I’m Not As Well as I Thought I Was in May 2023. Ruby also offers leadership and management training, using workshops and practical exercises to enable business leaders to create trust and rapport and more skilled communication with clients and colleagues. 02:59 The Ruby Wax Brand 06:14 Mindfulness and Personal Growth15:31 Frazzled Culture and Authenticity28:24 Connecting with People in Business31:19 Rickman's Wisdom: Let People Come to You33:53 Managing Stress and Mental Fitness in the Workplace35:40 The Importance of Authenticity and Self-Management39:05 The Power of Community and Connection43:41 A Hilarious Encounter with TrumpJoin Frazzled CafeBuy Ruby’s booksVisit Ruby Wax’s websiteFollow James Reed on LinkedInAll About Business is brought to you by Reed Global. Learn more at: www.reed.comThis podcast was co-produced by Reed Global and Flamingo Media. If you’d like to create a chart-topping podcast to get your brand heard, visit Flamingo-media.co.uk