The Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship | Sadie Robertson Huff & Freddie Amos
The Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship | Sadie Robertson Huff & Freddie Amos  
Podcast: WHOA That's Good Podcast
Published On: Mon Jul 15 2024
Description: How can you spot the warning signs that your relationship isn't healthy? Sadie and LO counselor Freddie Amos sit down to answer some of your questions and talk about red flag behaviors, gaslighting, how to get OUT of a bad relationship, reasons NOT to stay in a bad relationship, whether you should you get back together after breaking up, and is it an ICK or do you just not like him? As Sadie says, let them be the first light to shine on some of the hidden things in your life and then go find sisters and friends to help walk beside you and pray for you in whatever situation you're in. -