CSB 058: Syrinjizz: Writers Are Just Failed Artists
Podcast:Castle Super Beast Published On: Tue Mar 03 2020 Description: Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview | Full Timestamps PEAK KAMIYA, Vanquish, Boardgames, The High Republic, Valorant. You can watch us record the podcast live on twitch.tv/castlesuperbeast Outro: Meta Knight's Revenge Go to http://bombas.com/superbeast today and get 20% of your first purchase! Riot Games' Project A is called Valorant Final Fantasy 7 Remake demo out now Platinum Games Project G.G. teaser trailer, director message The director of the original Resident Evil 2 asked the remake director for 'cute zombies DLC' Death Stranding for PC launches June 2, includes Half-Life content Nioh 2 ‘Last Chance Trial’ demo set for February 28 to March 1 'Monster Hunter' Movie Poster Warframe's Lotus joins Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a spirit Star Wars' big new story era announced, without attached video game