RLRC Original | Season 15
RLRC Original | Season 15  
Podcast: Real Life Real Crime
Published On: Tue Oct 24 2023
Description: Woody Overton opens up Season 15 of Real Life Real Crime by answering questions submitted by the lifers. #RealLifeRealCrime Barbara Blount Tip Line:(313) RLRC-TIP313-757-2847YOU CAN REMAIN ANONYMOUSOur Sponsors for this episode have a great deal for you!ROSETTA STONE:GET A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION TO ROSETTA STONE FOR 40% OFFClick Here for 40% off and lifetime access to 25 languages!Links to our Audio PodcastApple Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/real-life-real-crime/id1451676874Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/5I8IUL4cx2zA6SEm8eVLUm?si=0dd2381b344646e5We are also available on many other outlets (Just search “Real Life Real Crime).We ask for the continued support of the Coco family as they go through this next chapter. Please continue to call in tips about Barbara Blount @313-757-2847 (313- RLRC-TIP) or use the TIP button on Real Life Real Crime, the app.Want more episodes? Download our app in the app store or Google Play and listen straight from the app!Follow us on: INSTAGRAM: @REALLIFEREALCRIME, @OVERTONWOODY Twitter: @reallifecrimeTikTok: @realliferealcrimeFor Business Inquiries ONLY, please contact: Mike Agovino at MikeAgovino17@gmail.com or Cyndi Overton at Cyndi@RealLifeRealCrime.comThis Podcast is Edited and Produced by Jim Chapman at Envision Podcast Studiosin Denham Springs, Lahttps://www.facebook.com/ENVISIONPODCASTSTUDIOWoody Overton’s other Podcast include Real Life Real Crime Daily (found on this same feed)https://www.facebook.com/rlrcdailyAndBloody Angola: A Podcast by Woody Overton and Jim Chapman which can be found anywhere you listen!https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bloody-angola-podcast-by-woody-overton-jim-chapman/id1634095712Listen to Bloody Angola for a Podcast covering the largest maximum security prison in America!RLRC LOVES:LOPA- Woody loves LOPA. You hear him mention it at the end of each episode. Please click the LOPA link and REGISTER. It takes 2 minutes and just 1 donor can save up to 8 LIVES! RLRC has raised thousands of dollars for LOPA.Our Sponsors:* Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.com/Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/real-life-real-crime/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
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