Camino de Santiago w/ Jasmin Shah | You Be Trippin' with Ari Shaffir
Podcast:You Be Trippin' Rating: Explicit Published On: Mon May 27 2024 Description: SPONSORS: -Visit with promo code ARI and get 20% off your order On this episode of You Be Trippin’, Jasmin Shah hikes a really long way across the Camino del Norte all alone. There, she experiences the beautiful coastal views, friendly locals, and foggy mornings along the 512 mile journey. On the show, she talks about not having a home, living life as a nomad, and almost falling off a cliff. The two also discuss and taking photos on film, getting rained on, and how to get proof that you completed the trip. Sounds like a really long walk. Buen Camino! You Be Trippin' Ep. 16 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit