Episode 54: Autopsy of 8chan w/ Founder Fredrick Brennan
Episode 54: Autopsy of 8chan w/ Founder Fredrick Brennan  
Podcast: QAA Podcast
Rating: Explicit Published On: Sun Aug 25 2019
Description: Fredrick Brennan, founder of 8chan, spills uncensored tea all over the podcast. An absolutely fascinating insight into the birth of 8chan, QAnon's involvement with the current owners Ron & Jim Watkins, the tawdry nights spent with the boomer pig farmer in the Phillipines, and just about a million other stories lying squarely at the intersection of all that burns and spits embers in today's media landscape. Get a second full episode every week: patreon.com/qanonanonymous You'll also get access to all previous episodes, and support massive losers. Thanks! Follow Fredrick: https://twitter.com/HW_BEAT_THAT