Premium Episode 140: Devolution Theory Spreads in QAnon World (Sample)
Premium Episode 140: Devolution Theory Spreads in QAnon World (Sample)  
Podcast: QAA Podcast
Rating: Explicit Published On: Mon Sep 13 2021
Description: A reformulation of QAnon and the impending storm, "devolution" theory is being spread in Q circles by a man calling himself Patel Patriot. It provides a spygate-centric, red scare version of the classic idea that Trump is playing 5D chess and is in fact still in power. For dessert, Jake Rockatansky has unearthed a lost script for 'Air Force 2', the sequel to the 1997 blockbuster. It apparently features Joe Biden? ↓↓↓↓ SUBSCRIBE FOR $5 A MONTH SO YOU DON'T MISS THE SECOND WEEKLY EPISODE ↓↓↓↓ Mike Rothschild's article: Follow Mike Rothschild: Merch / Join the Discord Community / Find the Lost Episodes / Etc: Episode music by Episode music by Nick Sena (, Matthew Delatorre (, Doom Chakra Tapes (