Podcast:QAA Podcast Rating: Explicit Published On: Sat Apr 20 2024 Description: Though the “chemtrails” conspiracy theory has long been dismissed by scientists, aviation experts, and other skeptics, the Tennessee legislature has taken it very seriously. On April 11th, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed into law SB2691, which bans the ‘intentional injection, release, or dispersion’ of chemicals within Tennessee ‘with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.” Though the law doesn’t explicitly use the word chemtrails, it was inspired by chemtrail conspiracy theorists. On this episode we talk to independent journalist Teddy Wilson of Radical Reports about the anti-chemtrails bills in Tennessee and other state legislatures. Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to ongoing series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: https://www.patreon.com/QAA Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by NAP (https://doomchakratapes.bandcamp.com) & Jake Rockatansky. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (http://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com) http://qaapodcast.com QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast. REFERENCES Radical Reports: Why Are GOP State Lawmakers Introducing Bills Based on Claims by Fringe Conspiracy Theorists? https://www.radicalreports.org/p/why-are-gop-state-lawmakers-introducing Some Dare Call It Conspiracy: Chemtrails On Trial https://www.spreaker.com/episode/chemtrails-on-trial-part-1-8--58112535 To what extent do you believe in the conspiracy theory that the government is using chemicals to control the population (chemtrails)? https://www.statista.com/statistics/959559/conspiracy-belief-government-control-population-chemtrails/ MIT Technology Review Solar geoengineering could start soon if it starts small https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/02/05/1087587/solar-geoengineering-could-start-soon-if-it-starts-small/ Aircraft clouds: From chemtrail pseudoscience to the science of contrails Mètode Science Studies Journal, vol. 8, pp. 181-187, 2018 Universitat de València https://www.redalyc.org/journal/5117/511766757028/html/ Terrell, Steven. Santa Fe New Mexican. Assignment led journalist/activist into "chemtrail" obsession, 1999 https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-santa-fe-new-mexican-chemtrails-1999/133314562/