Episode 252: Russell Brand (Part 2)
Episode 252: Russell Brand (Part 2)  
Podcast: QAA Podcast
Rating: Explicit Published On: Tue Oct 24 2023
Description: British comedian-turned-Hollywood-actor-turned-Youtube-guru Russell Brand is facing serious sexual assault accusations. Annie Kelly takes a look at his relationship to his audience as he slides into the conspiratorial and contrarian. This is part two of two and includes an interview with Dr. Rob Topinka, senior lecturer at Birkbeck, the University of London. Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to ongoing series like Manclan, Trickle Down and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAnonAnonymous Dr. Rob Topinka: https://twitter.com/robtopinka Music by Pontus Berghe. Editing by Corey Klotz. http://qanonanonymous.com
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