Episode 46: QAnon Iran feat Annie Kelly
Episode 46: QAnon Iran feat Annie Kelly  
Podcast: QAA Podcast
Published On: Mon Jul 01 2019
Description: Multi-segment fractal this week, kicked off by Travis exploring the QAnon claim that Obama tried to nuclearize Iran by giving them a bunch of money. Then we take a look at Iranian opposition group Restart, which is led by an exiled game show host living in Anaheim — and has connections with QAnon. Our intern Zach Rockatansky gets in touch with a freelance reporter hellbent on uncovering our dastardly plans. Our new UK correspondent Annie Kelly (twitter.com/annieknk) is a doctoral researcher in the UK looking at digital antifeminism and the far right. She catches us up on Brexit leader Nigel Farage, his hatred of immigrant, and distrust of the New World Order. Finally, Jake brings us "Taken 5" (no connection), the satirical and entirely fictional tale of um... a healthy father-daughter relationship and some unexpected kata. Go to patreon.com/qanonanonymous to subscribe for 5 bucks and get a second episode every week, plus access to the entire premium back-catalogue. Thanks!