Premium Episode 27: Defeating Your Adversary in the Court of Heaven (Praying Medic's Book) (Sample)
Premium Episode 27: Defeating Your Adversary in the Court of Heaven (Praying Medic's Book) (Sample)  
Podcast: QAA Podcast
Published On: Mon Jun 10 2019
Description: Julian's calvary. Your entertainment. We go on a journey to the Court of Heaven where you must defend yourself against demonic attacks with the help of your attorney, Jesus. Warning: this episode contains a testimonial involving a mother emotionally abusing her child who she fears may be gay. This is our exploration of an e-book by Dave Hayes AKA Praying Medic, a prominent figure in the QAnon community who also happens to be a faith-healing fraud. Go to and subscribe for 5 bucks a month to get access to all premium episodes, past and future! Plus you'll be helping the show grow and get better. Thank you.