Podcast:The Christian Health Club Podcast Published On: Sun Mar 31 2024 Description: God gave us Jesus to give us eternal life. He also gave us living water inside of our body to give us physical earthly life. There is a special kind of water He made that works like an electrical power grid to give life to our cells. It has many names: EZ water, coherent water, liquid crystalline, gel water, organized water, hexagonal and structured water. In The School of Christian Health and Nutrition we call it Water with Order because it has a special molecular structure that holds information and electrical charge. Most people are wholly unaware of the critical role that this water (different from the water that we drink) plays in the body and how we can best optimize it for health. God is the God of Order and a major key to health is maintaining order in the body…especially when it comes to this special water. Considering 99 out of every 100 molecules in the body is water..this is significant! I want you to understand the miracle of the way this water works and how we can make choices to enhance it in a way that helps avoid illness, fight off bacteria and viruses, and gives us better vibrancy in our body so that we can be more vibrant members of the body of Christ. Come listen to how to honor the living water inside of you.Water Filter Options: BOTTLEClearly Filtered Water BottlePITCHERClearly FilteredBest Water Pitcher Ever (that’s the name - LOL)COUNTERTOPAqua TrueBerkeyWATER SYSTEMSpring AquaRadiant LifeSTRUCTURINGAnalemma WandELECTROLYTESLMNT (high salt)Pickleball (high potassium) (also on Fullscript)Relyte SOLE WATER RECIPEMINERALSConcentrace Mineral Drops (Fullscript)CT Minerals (Cellcore)Quench: https://amzn.to/3SDpAsW—----------------Extra info…H3O2 is formed when electromagnetic waves or energy causes the electrons surrounding the hydrogen in the water molecules to increase their energy and change how the hydrogen molecule is connected to other water molecules. This is called changing bond angles. Changing bond angles in a specific way forms structured or hexagonal water.https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/divinedesign