120: Results of My Carnivorish Diet Experiment
120: Results of My Carnivorish Diet Experiment  
Podcast: The Christian Health Club Podcast
Published On: Sun Jun 27 2021
Description: I recently tried a Carnivorish Diet to see if it would improve my thyroid antibodies. Spoiler alert: it did not, but it did improve some other markers including my TSH and T4*. There were some ups and downs along the way and I’m sharing it all in this week’s podcast. On the whole, it was a powerful experience and I don’t for a second regret doing this experiment. Listen in to hear the details about my follow-up blood test, weight loss, digestive issues, reduced sugar cravings and discipline growth! *P.S. I got sidetracked and forgot to mention the thyroid improvements in the podcast even though I did talk about the antibodies and other markers.For more information and to access the show notes for this episode, visit my website here: https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/podcast/120https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/divinedesign