123: The Genesis Prescription for Sleep
123: The Genesis Prescription for Sleep  
Podcast: The Christian Health Club Podcast
Published On: Sun Jul 18 2021
Description: There’s a detrimental cascade of hormonal imbalance when we don’t get enough sleep. Our hunger and satiety hormones get out of whack so we don’t get the right signals that tell us we’re hungry or full. Ghrelin, our appetite stimulating hormone, increases from lack of sleep and leptin, our appetite suppressing hormone, decreases. This makes us prone to overeating because our brains aren’t getting the right signals. Throw in too much cortisol due to stress and excessive light exposure and you’ve got a recipe for a sabotaging sweet tooth and weight gain. Listen to this week’s podcast to learn how these hormones work according to a circadian rhythm and how we can best optimize sleep for good health and optimal weight. For more information and to access the show notes for this episode, visit my website here: https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/podcast/123https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/divinedesign