256: Best of Season 5: Part 2
256: Best of Season 5: Part 2  
Podcast: The Christian Health Club Podcast
Published On: Sun Jun 02 2024
Description: And that’s a wrap y’all! We’ve covered the highlights of all of the episodes for Season 5. I hope you’ve enjoyed them, I hope you’ll share them and may I ask you to leave a review and let me know what your favorite episodes were from the season. If anything you’ve heard helped you or  blessed you, it would mean so much if you would leave a review - they really help bump up the podcast ratings so that when people search for a podcast related to health or Christianity, this pops up as an option. That helps me spread the good news of the incredible way God created our body to be well and I thank you for sharing in that mission. I will miss connecting with you here but I’ll still be emailing you with all the scoop this summer so make sure you’re on my Sunday Sendout list and of course, I’d love to interact with you daily in The Christian Health Club if you’d like to consider joining us as a member. Be well my friends. Don’t let your health or your Jesus fall through the cracks this summer ok? Thank you so much for listening, have a healthy and blessed week and I will talk to you soon. https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/divinedesign