203: Turning Off Your Metabolic Fat Switch with Dr Rick Johnson
203: Turning Off Your Metabolic Fat Switch with Dr Rick Johnson  
Podcast: The Christian Health Club Podcast
Published On: Sun Apr 02 2023
Description: In his book, Nature Wants Us To Be Fat, Dr. Rick Johnson explains that there are certain biological mechanisms that encourage weight gain in order to support our body’s metabolic needs. The problem is, we switch it on but do things that don’t allow it to be switched off. In this week’s episode Dr. Johnson, clinician and renowned obesity researcher, explains the roles water, salt, glucose, fructose and uric acid play in our metabolism and how we can turn off our fat switch.For more information and to access the show notes for this episode, visit my website here: https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/podcast/203https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/divinedesign