273: Perimenopause, Menopause & HRT with Kristen Johnson and Maria Claps
Podcast:The Christian Health Club Podcast Published On: Sun Dec 08 2024 Description: Most women don’t realize how many body systems are affected by a loss of hormones as we move into the perimenopause and menopause years. Symptoms and signs include:Higher cholesterolLoss of bone densityJoint pain and frozen shoulderBrain fogPoor sleepAnxiety Weight gainHypothyroidism Loss of skin elasticityLow libidoUTIsHearing lossWomen are often offered a myriad of medications and supplements like statins and calcium as ways to address these various issues but are not actually addressing the root cause: hormonal decline. Although hormone replacement therapy has long been touted as dangerous, this week’s guests are here to bust that myth and share just how incredibly important HRT can be for women’s health and longevity. Their book, The Great Menopause Myth, dives deep into this topic and they are on the podcast this week sharing key points women need to know about how to be successful with hormones. 📩 Get on my Sunday Sendout List to receive all of my best tips and information! 📲 Check out my website for access to recipes, The Christian Health Club Podcast, free guides, and more! Join The Christian Health Club More from Kristen and Maria:Get the bookConnect with Kristen and Maria on their websiteInstagram: @wise_and_wellhttps://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/divinedesign