Podcast:The Christian Health Club Podcast Published On: Sun Jan 17 2021 Description: I recently visited an iridologist who assessed my health by examining my irises and sclera. She was able to detect a slight candida overgrowth, lymphatic stagnation, tightness in my left shoulder and a history of constipation - all by looking at my eyes!She also recommended feverfew for headaches, iodine for thyroid health and red clover for better lymph flow.If you’ve never heard of iridology (and sclerology) or just want to learn more, tune into this week’s fascinating episode with Dr. Rebecca Thomas!For more information and to access the show notes for this episode, visit my website here: https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/podcast/97https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/divinedesign