#189 | November Q&A: Cholestasis; Growth Curve Worries; Petite-Women Birth Concerns; The McRobert's Position; Retained Placenta; Burping & Formula
#189 | November Q&A: Cholestasis; Growth Curve Worries; Petite-Women Birth Concerns; The McRobert's Position; Retained Placenta; Burping & Formula  
Podcast: Down to Birth
Published On: Wed Nov 30 2022
Description: Send us a textHello everyone!  It is Wednesday, and we are back with our monthly Q&A!  In this month's extended Q&As (always ad-free and available to all by subscribing to Down To Birth + on Apple or joining our Patreon community) we discuss an interesting situation reported by one mom regarding  her "retained placenta" - or was it? How would you know if it's really a medical situation or a failure to be patient? We also respond to one mom regarding the quality of European versus U.S. formulas, we discuss how to really know when to go to the hospital in labor, and whether it is ok to push without an urge - should you do it or wait for the go-ahead? Finally, the question so many parents can relate to: How much should I worry when my breastfed baby has plummeted on the growth curve?In our regular Q&A version (non-extended), one mother inquires about her bedroom temperature being too cold for her newborn but necessary for her own sleep comfort - what's too cold for a newborn and what's the risk? We also discuss petite mothers' abilities to vaginally birth babies, because one woman has received plenty of unsolicited negativity about her body size, despite that she's fit and healthy. We also discuss one provider's comment about having to keep women on their backs while pushing "in case" she needs to utilize the McRobert's position in the event of shoulder dystocia. Is that legit? Cholestasis is the special circumstance faced by another mom, who wants to understand the risks and isn't thrilled it'll most likely mean induction. One Home Birth After Cesarean (HBAC) mom is concerned about whether she should get an ultrasound to ensure her placenta has not attached over her scar - should this be routine for VBAC and HBAC women?  Other moms are asking:"Is it normal to feel nauseous when breastfeeding"  "Do babies need to be burped after feeds?"  and more.Thank you for all of your awesome questions and for being part of this fabulous community! Call 802-GET-DOWN any time to submit a question for our next Q&A. And remember to join our Patreon community to attend our two educational, interactive livestreams every month!**********Connect with us on Patreon for our exclusive content.Email Contact@DownToBirthShow.comInstagram @downtobirthshowCall us at 802-GET-DOWN Work with Cynthia: 203-952-7299 HypnoBirthingCT.com Work with Trisha: 734-649-6294 Please remember we don’t provide medical advice. Speak to your licensed medical provider for all your healthcare matters.