57: It’s Normal to be Healthy with Neka of Urban Remedy
57: It’s Normal to be Healthy with Neka of Urban Remedy  
Podcast: Realfoodology
Published On: Wed Sep 22 2021
Description: On this episode, I invite Neka Pasquale founder of Urban Remedy which is a company that specializes in certified organic, non-GMO, gluten free and vegan offerings. Neka joins me to talk about the difference between GMO and Organic agriculture, the low fat movement, why fad diets are not the way to go, why you should trust organic food, the terrible US Food Pyramid and she even helps us understand if juices and smoothies are good for us. Check out Neka:https://urbanremedy.com/our-story/ Eating Animals (Documentary)https://www.eatinganimalsmovie.com