Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy & Methylene Blue | Dr. Scott Sherr
Podcast:Realfoodology Published On: Wed Nov 09 2022 Description: 119: **REALFOODOLOGY PODCAST IS NOW ON YOUTUBE!** Dr. Scott Sherr is a board-certified internal medicine physician with an additional certification in hyperbaric oxygen medicine. He is the Founder of Integrative HBOT and the COO of Smarter Not Harder (maker of Troscriptions), a nootropic company providing methylene blue. Dr. Sherr is one of the few medical doctors in the country using an integrative approach to hyperbaric care (with targeted lab work, diet, and supplementation) to further advance HBOT’s ability to heal. Topics Discussed: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Hormesis How to stop an inflammatory response with alternative therapies BioHacking Where to use a hyperbaric chamber Who should and should not use a hyperbaric chamber What is Methylene Blue Viruses and Methylene Blue Nootropics Benefits of Nicotine Why Vaping and Cigarette Brain fog Check Out Scott: One Base Health Integrative HBOT Instagram Tropscriptions Use code REALFOODOLOGY to get 10% off Sponsored By: BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/realfoodology Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 10% off any order Higher Dose higherdose.com use code REALFOODOLOGY FOR 15% OFF SITEWIDE Organifi www.organifi.com/realfoodology Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% Off Cured Nutrition www.curednutrition.com/realfoodology REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% off Check Out Courtney: **REALFOODOLOGY PODCAST IS NOW ON YOUTUBE!** Courtney's Instagram: @realfoodology www.realfoodology.com Air Dr Air Purifier AquaTru Water Filter EWG Tap Water Database Further Listening: Are We Allergic to Food or Just What Has Been Done to It with Robyn O'Brien