36: This is a WAP (Wet A** Podcast) with Alisa Vitti PT 2
36: This is a WAP (Wet A** Podcast) with Alisa Vitti PT 2  
Podcast: Realfoodology
Rating: Explicit Published On: Wed May 12 2021
Description: Alisa Vitti is back for another episode and this time we dive into the female orgasm! There was so much amazing information that we decided to release it in two episodes.  Both are out now!  We chat about the G spot, health benefits of the orgasm & how to maximize them, using a vibrator, what lubes she loves, what she thinks about porn and so much more! Link to my first interview with Alisa: https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/learning-how-to-live-in-your-flo-with-alisa-vitti/id1529008803?i=1000514224842 Alisa https://www.floliving.com https://www.instagram.com/alisa.vitti/ Sex for One https://www.amazon.com/Sex-One-Selfloving-Betty-Dodson-ebook/dp/B0064127LE Kimberly Johnson https://www.magamama.com Lubes https://www.grove.co/catalog/product/unscented-personal-lubricant/ https://aloecadabra.com/ https://coconu.com/ What is the G Spot? https://www.healthline.com/health/g-spot-in-women#What-is-the-G-spot? Sponsor: www.paragonvitamins.com Code REALFOOD15 gets you 15% off your assessment