110: How to Balance Your Blood Sugar with Kelly LeVeque
110: How to Balance Your Blood Sugar with Kelly LeVeque  
Podcast: Realfoodology
Published On: Wed Sep 07 2022
Description: Kelly LeVeque, is a best-selling author, celebrity holistic nutritionist and wellness expert, who you may know from instagram as BeWellbyKelly. She is the author of Body Love and Body Love Everyday and she makes healthy eating simple. We talk about her food philosophy the Fab 4, what it means, how to balance your blood sugar, what foods are best for balancing blood sugar and so much more! On This Episode We Cover: Blood sugar balance  What whole foods do to help blood sugar balance  Intermittent fasting  Caffeine and what it does to blood sugar  Crash in blood sugar  Continuous glucose monitors Blood sugar balancing meals  How to eat your first meal when intermittent fasting  Blood sugar and depression  Importance of listening to your body Importance of protein  Foods that support blood sugar balance  Linoleic acid  Seed Oils Proper way to eat carbohydrates  What’s causing the rise of diabetes  Endocrine disrupters Plastics  Toxins we are newly exposed to Alcohol  What ultra processed foods do to kids How to read food labels How to break the fast  Certificate of analysis on products  Recipe ideas How to get kids to eat better  Moms vs. Dads feedings kids Why oat milk should be avoided  Check Out Kelly: Instagram bewellbykelly.com Be Well By Kelly Protein Powder  Sponsored By: Cured Nutrition www.curednutrition.com/realfoodology REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% off Organifi www.organifi.com/realfoodology Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% OFF Magic Mind http://www.magicmind.co Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% OFF Check Out Courtney: Courtney's Instagram: @realfoodology www.realfoodology.com Air Dr Air Purifier AquaTru Water Filter EWG Tap Water Database Further Listening Food is Medicine and Information for the Body