Healing Adrenal Dysfunction: Insights + Strategies | Dr. Izabella Wentz
Podcast:Realfoodology Rating: Explicit Published On: Wed Oct 18 2023 Description: EP. 168: Ever felt run down, stressed out, or just not yourself? Could your adrenal health be the missing link in your overall wellbeing? I recall the moment I discovered that my constant exhaustion, anxiety and blood sugar issues were not just random symptoms. They were signs of adrenal dysfunction, a not so talked about condition that many of us struggle with. In this enlightening episode, I invite you to join me and Dr. Izabella Wentz, a renowned expert in the field, as we journey through the complexities of adrenal health. From the impact of stress and sleep deprivation on our bodies to the role of magnesium deficiency in adrenal fatigue, we share insights, personal experiences and practical strategies to help you navigate through this challenging terrain. Topics Discussed: 0:07:06 - Adrenal Fatigue and Health Impact 0:09:36 - Understanding Hashimoto's and Adrenal Dysfunction 0:23:51 - Improving Sleep and Circadian Rhythm 0:33:02 - Transitioning to a Balanced Workout Routine 0:36:46 - Unexpected Weight Loss From Reduced Exercise 0:52:01 - Lifestyle Strategies for Blood Sugar Balance 0:55:37 - Electrolytes and Nutrients in Energy Replenishment 1:04:15 - Emotional and Trauma Components in Healing Check Out Dr. Izabella: Adrenal Transformation Protocol: A 4-Week Plan to Release Stress Symptoms and Go from Surviving to Thriving Online Sponsored By: Organifi www.organifi.com/realfoodology Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% Off Cured Nutrition www.curednutrition.com/realfoodology REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% off Wildway https://wildwayoflife.com Code REALFOODOLOGY will give you 20% off your first order PALEOVALLEY for 15% off go to Paleovalley.com/Realfoodology BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/realfoodology Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 10% off any order. Check Out Courtney: Courtney's Instagram: @realfoodology www.realfoodology.com My Immune Supplement by 2x4 Air Dr Air Purifier AquaTru Water Filter EWG Tap Water Database