27: Learning How to Live in Your Flo with Alisa Vitti
27: Learning How to Live in Your Flo with Alisa Vitti  
Podcast: Realfoodology
Rating: Explicit Published On: Wed Mar 24 2021
Description: Did you know that only 4% of women are included in medical fitness and nutrition research?  Today's episode teaches us about this huge gender bias and it also shines light on how important it is for women to be mindful of our workouts, our work flow and the foods that we are eating based on what part of our cycle we are in.  We are joined by Alisa Vitti who is the author of two bestselling books: "WomanCode and "In the FLO."  She is also the creator of the MyFLO Period Tracker app - helping you have a better period the more you use it. Show Links: https://www.floliving.com/ Code to receive one FREE month of FLO 28 : REALFOODOLOGY Sign up here: http://cyclesyncingmembership.com/ https://apps.apple.com/us/app/myflo-period-tracker/id1152657123 https://www.amazon.com/FLO-Unlock-Hormonal-Advantage-Revolutionize/dp/0062870491/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=in+the+flo+alissa+vitti&qid=1614799395&s=books&sr=1-1 https://www.amazon.com/WomanCode-Perfect-Amplify-Fertility-Supercharge/dp/006213079X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=woman+code+alisa&qid=1614799461&s=books&sr=1-1 https://www.floliving.com/supplements/ https://www.floliving.com/cycle-syncing-supplement-kit/