Podcast:Realfoodology Published On: Wed Feb 22 2023 Description: 134: On this weeks episode, we will be talking all about anxiety. I like so many others struggle with anxiety which is why I am bringing on Meg DeJong who is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist specializing in anxiety. We talk about what you can do, things that cause anxiety, why diet may be contributing to your anxiety, the gut brain connection and so much more. Topics Covered: What’s actually making you anxious? The issue with not talking enough about side effects of pharmaceuticals Hormones, depression and anxiety Birth control and depression Neuroinflammation Should you take probiotics long term? Glyphosate and the gut Soil health Blood sugar Magnesium deficiency and anxiety Nutrient deficiency and anxiety Foods to help prevent anxiety Artificial sweeteners Emotional trauma Where to start Check Out Meg: Instagram Online Sponsored By: KION Save 20% on monthly deliveries and 10% on one-time purchases by going to getkion.com/realfoodology Organifi www.organifi.com/realfoodology Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% Off BiOptimizers: www.bioptimizers.com/realfoodology REALFOODOLOGY gets you 10% off all BiOptimizers products BiOptimizers: Magnesium Breakthrough www.magbreakthrough.com/realfoodology Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 10% off any order. Check Out Courtney: **REALFOODOLOGY PODCAST IS NOW ON YOUTUBE!** Courtney's Instagram: @realfoodology www.realfoodology.com My Immune Supplement by 2x4 Air Dr Air Purifier AquaTru Water Filter EWG Tap Water Database Further Listening: Glyphosate, GMO's and How to Navigate the Food System with Zach Bush MD