Glyphosate, GMO's and How to Navigate the Food System | Zach Bush MD
Podcast:Realfoodology Published On: Wed Oct 26 2022 Description: 117: **REALFOODOLOGY PODCAST IS NOW ON YOUTUBE!** Today's guest is a very special one for me. Zach Bush has been on my list of guests to interview since I started this podcast and I am so excited to share this episode with you. If you don't know who Zach Bush is, he is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems. Zach is a triple board-certified physician applying the rigor of science, the strength of humanity, and the intelligence of nature to transform the world. He is also the founder of Seraphic Group, Inc. parent company of Biomic Sciences, LLC maker of ION products. Topics Covered: Can you wash off pesticides? Soil health Human immune system How many microbiomes there are in your body History of the chemical industry Pesticides Salting of fields GMO crops Roundup ready crops Glyphosate and glyphosate toxicity Cancer The Dirty Dozen Clean 15 Crop insurance US dependency of international agriculture Hybridization versus genetically modified Nestle Solutions and why the future is not so grim Check Out Zach: Instagram ION Gut Support (Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 15% off all one time orders) Farmers Footprint Journey of Intrinsic Health Course Sponsored By: LMNT Get 8 FREE packs with any order at Magic Mind Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% off Organifi Code REALFOODOLOGY gets you 20% off Check Out Courtney: **REALFOODOLOGY PODCAST IS NOW ON YOUTUBE!** Courtney's Instagram: @realfoodology Air Dr Air Purifier AquaTru Water Filter EWG Tap Water Database Further Listening: A Chat with the Gut Health Guru Bethany Ugarte