24: Men Taking Care of Their Skin is Sexy with Celeste Thomas and Drake Peterson
24: Men Taking Care of Their Skin is Sexy with Celeste Thomas and Drake Peterson  
Podcast: Realfoodology
Rating: Explicit Published On: Wed Mar 03 2021
Description: Celeste Thomas, RN, and Holistic Skincare Expert joins us for another episode along with my podcast producer Drake Peterson to chat all about men’s skincare! If you are a woman, you still want to listen so you can relay the info (or even this podcast!) to the men in your life! Drake shares his experience with his skin woes over the years, his new skincare routine that Celeste helped him with and what else he did to achieve great glowy skin! Show Links: https://www.thetruespoon.com/https://www.instagram.com/celestethomas/ Eat To Glow Meal Prep ebook https://www.thetruespoon.com/eat-to-glow/meal-prep-ebook/Acne Skincare Guide https://www.thetruespoon.com/skincare/acne-skincare-guide/Skin Confident Course https://www.thetruespoon.com/skincare/skin-confident-course/ https://www.thinkdirtyapp.com/https://www.ewg.org/ Tula https://www.tula.com/ Code Realfoodology saves you 15% CocoKind https://www.cocokind.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwuL_8BRCXARIsAGiC51B-NxrPT9cv2RxCHbG9VbxniR2tkiLvJMh-zHEFT5MSIEzFcat-8bYaAk9nEALw_wcB