Classic Audio: James Linzey - The Federal Reserve Cartel
Podcast:The Fact Hunter Published On: Sat Dec 17 2022 Description: 2008 lecture from Major (Retired) James Linzey. The World Bankers and the Destruction of America states how Americans have lost control over their country and are under foreign control through manipulation of its money system. The author documents how inflation is created artificially to confiscate the wealth of Americans by foreign banks, and how they dictate policy to the United States Congress. Consequently, US Congressmen no longer represent their constituents, but the ruling elite who dictate what they will and will not do, and how to get away with it and get voted back into office. The author presents solutions to solve the monetary problems in America. It's up to the American people to take control and implement the solutions, because their elected public servants will not do it.I apologize for the abrupt ending of the audio...