396. Puffy Clam Chowder
396. Puffy Clam Chowder  
Podcast: Risky or Not?
Published On: Wed Dec 21 2022
Description: Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks consuming clam chowder from a container that is “puffy”. Dr. Don - risky ☣️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ Probably won’t take my chances with the puffy one. It is delicious though. : Costco Ivar’s Kettle Classic Clam Chowder with Uncured Bacon, 32 oz, 2 ct | Costco Prevalence of Clostridium botulinum in Seafood and Significance of Multiple Incubation Temperatures for Determination of Its Presence and Type in Fresh Retail Fish | Journal of Food Protection Flavors Should Burst, Not Packages | Food Safety