262. Justin's Leftover Steak, Cooked on the Use-By Date and Eaten Two Days Later
Podcast:Risky or Not? Published On: Fri Feb 11 2022 Description: Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of steak, cooked on the use-by date and eaten two days later. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 Professor Ben - not risky 👍🏼 Justin on Twitter: “@bugcounter @benjaminchapman #RiskyOrNot eating leftover pre-cut steak (i.e., stir fry steak) that was cooked on the “use by” date 2 days after the “use by” date. (In my mind, the game clock reset when I cooked it, but my wife wants an expert opinion.)” / Twitter Listeria - Wikipedia Food Product Dating | Food Safety and Inspection Service