Podcast:Risky or Not? Published On: Fri Oct 22 2021 Description: Dr. Don and Professor Ben talk about the risks of having having a romantic flour fight. Dr. Don - not risky 👍🏼 ️ Professor Ben - risky ☣️ sjh_canada on Twitter: “@bugcounter Risky or not : romantic flour fight? https://t.co/E98Rn8zoac” / Twitter Say No to Raw Dough | CDC Food Safety | Ardent Mills Ardent Mills Flour Food Safety White Paper Role of Microbiological Guidelines in the Production and Commercial Use of Milled Cereal Grains: A Practical Approach for the 21st Century | Journal of Food Protection That’s Amore by Dean Martin with Lyrics!!!! - YouTube A California Christmas (2020 Netflix) – Lifetime Uncorked Added in post, Isha solves the riddle: isha leigh on Twitter: “@bugcounter Looks like the Princess Switch 2 (via a google of Vanessa Hudgens flour fight)” / Twitter